Elephants Without Borders (EWB)
Elephants Without Borders is a charitable organization dedicated to conserving wildlife and natural resources; through innovative research, education, and information sharing with all people, we strive to encourage mankind to live in harmony with wildlife and the natural world.

Dr Mike Chase
The African elephant is an ambassador for conservation, providing motivation for raising awareness, stimulating action, encouraging funding for conservation efforts, and generating opportunities to reconsider the boundaries between conservation and rural development.
At Elephants Without Borders (EWB), we achieve this ambitious mission by:
• Conducting research and conservation studies on the ecology and behavior of African elephants
• Using state-of-the-art technology, such as satellite tracking collars and aerial surveys, we monitor the seasonal movement patterns of elephants; the size of their home ranges, identify wildlife corridors and habitats for elephants
• Sharing our information and data with policy makers and all people, this practice will support a long-term monitoring program that will improve wildlife conservation management
• Promoting environmental education and awareness in schools and rural communities that will allow an appreciation and respect for the natural world

Kelly Landen
• Identifying and implementing sustainable measures that will help reduce human-elephant conflict, which encourages a compatible relationship between people and wildlife
EWB’s vision is to open borders for Africa’s wildlife through research and education, and help ensure a prosperous and compatible future between people and wildlife.