Further research and time might reveal this dispersal to possibly be the longest transboundary mammal migration in southern Africa.
I have excitedly joined the EWB team in collaboration with the Giraffe Conservation Foundation and the University of New South Wales to undertake the first giraffe study in the region, giving insight into their ecological requirements and behaviour, and conservation status. Analysis of this data will form the basis of my PhD.
A complex mosaic of forests, national parks, agricultural fields, grazing lands and human settlements interspersed with diverse natural communities poses significant challenges for conservation in the Chobe district. Within this mosaic, the FRs are important habitats for threatened and endangered wildlife species such as eland, roan, and sable.
Elephants Without Borders just completed flying a mammoth aerial survey, counting elephants and wildlife species throughout northern Botswana… The information on elephant and wildlife numbers, distribution, movements, and demographic characteristics from this study will be incorporated into population models to better understand a variety of research and management questions relating to wildlife ecology and conservation management
One cannot ignore the immediate urgency of the relentless anticipation of waiting for the rains… If it is quite intolerable for us people, it’s hard to imagine how it must be for the wildlife in some regions… recently flying and observing the herds and movements of the various species have given us opportunity to witness their response and reactions to the environmental conditions.