What I am seeing now is the effect this unregulated production is having on this fragile ecosystem, far more serve than the feeding habits of a hungry elephant. Vast tracts of acacia woodland have been deforested.
A complex mosaic of forests, national parks, agricultural fields, grazing lands and human settlements interspersed with diverse natural communities poses significant challenges for conservation in the Chobe district. Within this mosaic, the FRs are important habitats for threatened and endangered wildlife species such as eland, roan, and sable.
The Okavango panhandle is a unique area… a system where wildlife, in particular elephants, and people struggle to live within a confined area.The purpose of the survey is to answer pertinent questions as to the area’s population of elephants, their growth rate, their limited movements, an insight to human-elephant conflict in the region, and to potentially be able to put forward various management options to relieve elephant compression and their conflict with people.