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21 Trunk Salute!

Written By: admin on February 13, 2009 No Comment

This week, we have been receiving a tremendous response from
many viewers who have had the opportunity to see the premier
airing of “Elephants Without Borders” on the BBC channels in
the UK. If you’d like to read about the film, click here;

The camera team of Holding and Uren

The camera team of Holding and Uren

These are some of the wonderful comments we have received in
our email box (Thank you, we appreciate the feedback, keep them

“The programme was brilliant Beautifully shot Explained your work
clearly A Triumph”

S. Mackie, UK

“I have to say that when I saw the “Natural World” fisting in the daily
paper my initial thought was “Oh no not another one” but I have to admit
I was totally wrong, A brilliant programme, well filmed and commentary from the
horses mouth and from those who care.”

J. Johnson, UK

“a quick note to say how much I enjoyed the BBC documentary about
your research this evening. You are doing amazing work, and it’s lovely to
see a more in depth and considered approach to conservation, … it was
filmed beautifully with some stunning sequences showing off the
elephants and your beautiful country very well.”

S. Jones, UK

We are very excited about the film and are extremely happy and
proud of how wonderful the entire production crew put it together!
We have spent nearly 2 years tromping, tracking and filming in the
field, working hand and trunk, with Afriscreen films to make it

Can’t say that everything went smoothly throughout the venture, not without hiccups here and there: dust storms so turbulent that it made it difficult to leave our tents… searching endlessly for a particular herd or the right congregations… waiting days on end to get the right shot, perhaps not even getting the shot… rainstorms, thunder add lightening at the most extreme inopportune time… unwelcome wildlife interrupting the camps… equipment failures ceasing production… endless schedule changes… the entire camp falling ill. However, the hiccups come with the territory and only added to the entire adventure.

But over the course of filming, it is the fond memories that truly
come to mind: the true elation of finding the elephant or herds we
had been searching for… getting the right shot or even better,
unexpected footage… unwelcome wildlife interrupting the camps
(yes, it’s on both lists!)… the camaraderie, dedication and
particularly the patience shown by all that were involved… the new
and wonderful relationships that have been developed… but, most
of all, spending all that time in the field with the elephants! After
all, the elephants are the stars and the reason that the film was

With that said, we want to take this opportunity to publicly share
our sincere appreciation to all the support teams and staff that has
made the film a reality, but, especially we would like to Thank…
Richard, Joel, Larry, Pete, Clinton, Atlang, Thanda, Themba, Spike,
Alex, Steve and above all… Mike and TJ for their incredibly long
hours, commitment and passion, not only for the film but for their
love of the elephants, who also had the foresight to envision this
story to be told in such an extraordinary way!

Trunks up! Thank you very much!

Trunk salute!

Trunk salute!

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