EWB’s Technical Report on Elephant Population Trends, April 2024

A new report from Elephants Without Borders (EWB), summarizing the results of over a decade of aerial surveys in southern Africa, finds new reason for concern about the conservation of African savanna elephants in Botswana and Angola. The new report, authored by Dr. Scott Schlossberg and Dr. Michael Chase, used data from aerial surveys between […]

City life or farm life? Elephants adapt to human development

Kasane, Botswana– New research led by Elephants Without Borders (EWB) has discovered that elephant movement through wildlife corridors is directly impacted by differing forms of human pressures and development. From 2012 to 2019, EWB monitored elephants’ movements through six wildlife corridors with the use of motion-detected camera traps in two different human-dominated landscapes: the townships […]

2018 Botswana Aerial Survey Report

Elephants Without Borders (EWB), has not, to date, released the report titled 2018 Dry Season Aerial Survey of Elephants and Wildlife in Northern Botswana. We believe, in the interests of transparency and constructive dialogue, the report should now be made publicly available by EWB. The Botswana government released the survey report earlier today and can […]