We are very proud to be working with Sylvia Medina, founder of the Green Kids Club, author to dozens of International children’s books. Green Kids Club is designed to teach young children the importance of environmental stewardship through picture books. The series was developed as a utility to teach children the importance of protecting habitats to sustain ecosystems, animal life and ultimately human life. Difficult environmental issues that impact animals and human interaction are brought into the story lines.
As a gift to the children of Botswana, Sylvia with the aid of EWB’s Kelly Landen wrote “The African Bushfire and the Elephant (Tlou le Molelo oa Naga mo Aforika)” to sensitize children on the threat of wildfires, touches upon poaching and fosters a positive message living with wildlife. The book was also translated by Isaiah Mwezi from Kavimba village in the Chobe Enclave, then printed in both Setswana and English. With permission and assistance from the Dept. of Forestry & Range Resources (DFRR) under the Ministry of Environment, hundreds of copies of the book was donated & distributed throughout the country to schools, environmental clubs and relevant departments via DFRR. DFFR plan to print and distribute more copies in 2018.
We are also, pleased to share with you the English version is now freely available digitally, online at https://acaiauthor.com/kids/modules
Hard copies, as well as other Green Kids books and toys are available to order on the Green Kids website at http://www.greenkidsclub.com/store/featured_products
We are looking forward to working with Sylvia and the Green Kids Club further on more stories and books! As well as EWB’s new community education initiatives working with Botswana’s schools, Chobe District Education Office, and the Association of Environmental Clubs of Botswana!
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