Last week, we hit the pavement (literally) on a campaign to promote environmental practices across Chobe District, the Walk for Eco-Literacy, was organized by Ducere Foundation and Elephants Without Borders in partnership with Chobe Regional Educational offices, under the Ministry of Basic Education.
Objectives of the Walk for Eco-Literacy:
* Raise awareness at community level for the conservation of the environment, focusing on: Stop Littering and Pollution, Bush Fire Prevention and best practices, Recycling and Protection & Sustainability of Natural resources and Wildlife.
* Advance leadership skills in children through education, participation, debate and public speaking.
* Promote fitness among the students and community members.
The 5-day expedition, 240 km trek walked, comprised of a team led by Ducere’s Thato Tsheko, including EWB’s Kelly Landen, Tempe Adams, DWNP’s Banele Lizwe, Tuti Moarutwa from Pandamatenga and from the Regional Education offices Christin Jani and Eva Okane, escorted by backup support Kabu Kakana and police vehicles from Kachikau, Kasane and Pandamatenga (road safety). Others joined in on certain days, including Robert Sutcliffe and ikova’s Ponggy Kegope completing full days, and community leaders, students from the District schools and lodges such as Chobe Game Lodge and Wildlife Tracks Eco-Lodge (both teams cleaned litter en route!)
The trip started in Parakarungu, through the villages of Satau, Kachikau, Kavimba, Mabele, Kasane, Kazangula, Lesoma and ending at Pandamatenga between 05-09 June 2017. Each village was presented with a token gift, a sign on the issues, to be erected at a site at each Kgotla (meeting place) of the Kgosi’s (Chief’s) choosing.

Long Day 1 Paras, Satau, Kachikau!
We are very proud that the expedition was a wonderful success: the team completed the expedition in time, while meeting our objective and fundraising goals. The expedition started with a brilliant send off in Parakarungu with the event aired on BTV, while announcements of the team’s movements were broadcasted on Botswana radio. The team was met with excitement through the communities and at the village Kgotlas we sincerely appreciated the warm welcomes received and their willingness to embrace the messages delivered. The final event in Pandamatenga was greeted by Pandamatenga students marching, singing and dancing in traditional costumes. The key note speech was given by Mr. Jonathan Gibson, CEO of Chobe Holdings. It was a long week of walking but the enthusiasm from the communities gave the expedition team a bounce in their stride to continue.
The expedition was only a part of the Eco-Literacy initiative, a broader focus is to empower Chobe’s students on the conservation of our environment for future generations to come. Other related activities are in the works.

Last stint heading into Pandamatenga!
First being a public debate forum organized between the District’s students on Environmental topics which will be held on Aug. 18, 2017 in Kasane. And secondly, a competition between the schools will result in the publication of a small literature book on Eco-Literacy topics written by the students. Publishing of the book will be compliments of the Ducere Foundation as part of their African Children’s Stories collection. We will keep the public informed as the activities develop.
For a full photo album of the event, please see EWB’s Facebook photo album Walk for Eco-literacy, click here!
The activities would never happen without the generous support received by the communities and donors, so we want to shout out our sincere appreciation of Thanks:

The signs were designed by EWB program manager, Kelly, and funded by Chobe Game Lodge
Access Holdings investment
Africa Under Canvas
Aquarite, Kasane
Big Sam Hubber Safaris
BushTracks Safaris
Builders World, Kasane
Camp Kuzuma
Chobe Game Lodge
Dreams Safaris
Fire & Ice (Alvin Invest.)
Garden Lodge
Honorable Kachana Mwanota
Coffee Buzz & Kalahari Tours
Kasane Bible Shop
Kasane Computers
Kavimba Village
Kubu Lodge
Mabele Village
Mr Bennard 256 camp site
Mr Veg, Kasane
Mr Moyo
Muchenje Campsite
Mwandi View
Pandamatenga Rest Camp
Pandamatenga Church Ladies
Pandamatenga Farmer’s Association
Pandamatenga Peak Power
Satau community
Spar, Kasane
Thebe River Safaris
Under One Botswana Sky, Chobe Safari Lodge & Bush Lodge
WaterLily Lodge
Wildtracks Eco Lodge